Customer Testimonials

We would like to express our gratitude to Kimmie and Miranda at Reliable Insurance Agency for the services that they provide for us. We have done business with them for many years and we have been very satisfied with them and all that they do for us, we appreciate the fact that they have always been there for all our insurance needs. It is great to do business with people that we can trust and have confidence in.

-Max Prestwood Water & Sewer Inc.

I would like to tell you a thing or two about Reliable Insurance. To me they are like family. I have been with Reliable Insurance for close to 25 years and this is because I feel connected to them like a power source. Ok what I’m trying to say is they take care of me completely. Miranda and Kimmie have treated me from the beginning like family and not just a business client I’m someone they call a friend. I think sometimes I may ask too many questions when I go in there but they always answer all my questions and never get annoyed with me. Every time I’m there I feel comfortable and can talk to them about my insurance needs and other things not pertaining to insurance. I have had a few losses in the past and have never felt alone when going through the claim process because Kimmie and Miranda are always right there with me to help if I need them. I’am very pleased with them as my agent and would recommend them to anyone.

-Josephine Harper

I want to tell you a little about Reliable Insurance and the service I receive from them. They are always friendly and address me by my name. (Not always has been the case at some previous insurance companies) They know me well enough to ask about my grandson who has been sick a long time. I was out of town once and needed to take care of some business and they helped me through that as well over the phone. They have always responded back to any question I have had about my policy.

My son has insurance there as well and I know they have worked with him with the same caring manner. I don’t see them all that often (2-3 times a year) but each time I am treated with the same caring, professionalism.

They are great to work with and I am glad I have them for an agent.

-Doug Brookshire

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